OS X Yosemite is Announced – Yosemite promises a slightly new, more modern look, an easier way to address your notifications without actually opening an app, a better way to search through Spotlight and an iCloud drive (similar to DropBox or Microsoft’s OneDrive). While none of these ideas are groundbreaking, they grant Mac lovers a one-stop shop for the vast majority of their computing needs.
Developer News Galore – A new Xcode update was announced which allows developers to sandbox code and live debugging tools. Swift is a new programming language specifically for iOS and OS X apps. CloudKit is a way to allow developers to extend their cloud services to iCloud.
iOS 8 – Following the look and feel of Yosemite, iOS 8 mostly focuses on improvements rather than reinventing the wheel. A better messaging system, keyboard and enhanced Siri are among the improvements. HealthKit is a new developer API that will track health data of the user, similar to the function of the Nike Fuelband and Jabra bands.
Allan Todd is CEO of Pagecafe Digital Marketing. In 2022, Allan teamed up with Infront Webworks to provide digital marketing, website design, content marketing, SEO and strategy and solutions to local businesses. Allan lives in Colorado Springs.