Every week, we’ll be delivering the latest and greatest news from Infront Webworks!
Infront Marketing Team gets Certified
This week, the Infront Marketing team went through the certification course for Google Analytics Platform Principles and everyone in our department became certified! The course only ran from March 11 – March 27, so we figured that we’d better get it while the getting’s good. We continue to keep up to date on certifications in order to show our areas of expertise and ensure we have the latest and greatest knowledge-base.
Guest Blog Penalty
Penalized a site for a guest post’s author signature. Long story short, someone had a guest post on their site, the author of that guest post had anchor text that said: “Hispanic Data” linking to an SEO copywriting blog, which Google decided was irrelevant. Then the guy who owned the site with the guest blog had a manual penalty put into action against his entire site. Was that the right call? Some people think so, but most people in the SEO industry are trying to figure out the reason behind the severity of the punishment.
Lithium bought Klout
Klout is a tool that measures your influence on social media channels. It’s a fun tool, but not really something I would consider indispensable for social media users. Fortunately for Klout, what I think doesn’t matter. Lithium Technologies, the social software company behind sites like Best Buy, Skype, and Virgin Atlantic, recently bought Klout for about $200 million worth of stock options.
Google Glass makes a deal with the company behind Oakley and Ray-Ban
Google finally started listening when people (like famed designer Marc Newson) say things like “Hey, Google. That Glass thing you came out with is ugly.” They decided to pair up with Luxottica, the company behind brands like Ray-Ban and Oakley. Although Google Glass still has some problems, hopefully, the style will soon no longer be one of them.
Facebook buys Oculus for $2 Billion
Facebook decided they hadn’t bought anything for over $1 billion for quite some time (and by that I mean since February), so they decided to buy a virtual-reality gaming company called Oculus. The product (still a prototype) is supposedly absolutely amazing. The question is: What is Facebook going to do with a virtual-reality gaming system?
Windows XP Support Ends on April 8
Windows XP will be a distant memory on April 8. Although it is installed on about one-third of all PCs, Microsoft will stop supporting the wildly popular operating system on April 8, which makes it incredibly vulnerable. This move basically forces an upgrade for anyone using the O/S that cares even the slightest bit about security.

Allan Todd is CEO of Pagecafe Digital Marketing. In 2022, Allan teamed up with Infront Webworks to provide digital marketing, website design, content marketing, SEO and strategy and solutions to local businesses. Allan lives in Colorado Springs.