Tech Round-Up Week Ending 5/2/2014
Vine launches a proper website, Microsoft fixes it’s big Internet Explorer boo-boo (yes, even on Windows XP), Snapchat makes itself less snappy (and more chatty)
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Vine launches a proper website, Microsoft fixes it’s big Internet Explorer boo-boo (yes, even on Windows XP), Snapchat makes itself less snappy (and more chatty)
Here are a few basic ways to improve the quality of your Google AdWords campaign. Brand Ad Group Having a brand ad group, that is,
SEM (search engine marketing) refers to paid advertisements on SERPs (search engine results page). The most widely used platform for SEM is Google Adwords, and
Google opens up sale of Glass—For one day – Since Glass was launched, Google had decided to only allow a select few to purchase their
I recently passed my Google certification exam for Advanced Search Engine Marketers. It was not easy, but as with all things, you get out of
Heartbleed Flaw – A vulnerability for email and other online accounts was found this past week called Heartbleed. When the issue was first found, people
We now have validated information that proves every business should have an effective online presence. Today Parago released the results from a very interesting study
Your tech round-up for the week ending April 4, 2014. Google Pranks Everyone. Again. And Again. And Again. And… – Google has a history of pranking
I was visiting my favorite coffee shop in the Springs recently, Kapow Comics and Coffee, and got to talking with the manager there. I told
Every week, we’ll be delivering the latest and greatest news from Infront Webworks! Infront Marketing Team gets Certified This week, the Infront Marketing team went