In January 2018 WEBCeo’s Brian Gareth reached out to SEO Manager, Mike Tortorice because the software company had noticed the steady growth of clients we had been adding to their amazing SEO software and wanted to discuss doing an interview and case study.
Although the Infront SEO team uses many SEO Tool suites, WEBCeo is among our favorites so Mike was happy to reciprocate all the support they have been building and retaining our client base over the years.
The article starts off with:
Running an SEO business is definitely a big challenge. First off, SEO agencies have to swim in an ever-changing ocean of Google algorithms, adapt their SEO activities to these changes and shape an individual marketing strategy for each client site. Second, managing hundreds of clients’ websites is a great responsibility and a big pain. This is where marketing automation tools become a great help. These tools, when designed properly, help to automate routine marketing tasks, provide big data for deeper research and analysis, and help SEO teams to collaborate more effectively.
If you run a digital agency or plan to provide SEO services, you will definitely love this insider information. We recently sat down with Mike Tortorice from Infront Webworks, a US-based digital agency, to discuss their experience in the niche of SEO services, challenges and drawbacks, hacks and workarounds. Here’s what he had to say…
The Questions WEBCEO covers include:
How long have you been in the SEO niche and what challenges did your Digital Agency face?
What is your favorite feature in WebCEO?
How exactly did WebCEO help your SEO team save time and costs?
I bet you send SEO reports to your customers. Could you please tell us more about it?
What are the top 3 WebCEO tools which your team uses most often?
Finally, do you have any recommendations from your SEO team on how we could improve WebCEO to help manage your SEO workflow?
Please drop by WEBCEO’s website to read Mike’s answers to their great questions.

Allan Todd is CEO of Pagecafe Digital Marketing. In 2022, Allan teamed up with Infront Webworks to provide digital marketing, website design, content marketing, SEO and strategy and solutions to local businesses. Allan lives in Colorado Springs.